ReformA Nail Systems
about ReformA

ReformA® — it’s not only the premium quality materials for artificial nails modeling. This is the complex of the ready-made solutions that will help your businesses to get thousands of new customers in a very short time.
There always were and will be the goods that are created based on the principals like “it is already exist so why shouldn’t we just make something similar and earn some money”. Generally, such products are just the copies of something well-known, slightly modified, without any changes at the final result. And only those things which were originally designed as an ideal can get closer to the ideal.
Reforma — the name of our products fully reflects the approach of our team to creation of the new products line for an ideal nails. We decided to create this combination of high quality materials, full training and support services, which does not exist anywhere in the world.
20 highly qualified specialists and 190 ordinary nail artist have participated in the testing of approximately 3000 samples of the products in the last 16 months. According to the statistics, only 1 out of 90 samples was honored to get into the container with the logo Reforma®. We have chosen for you the best of what we have tested, and today we can claim with confidence that more than 98% of the products offered by other manufacturers so far cannot compete with the quality of the materials under the trade mark Reforma®.
We have studied the wishes and desires of more than 3 000 artists from Germany, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Russia and Ukraine, which tells us what the ideal products, packaging, training, sales process, information support and communication aspects should be… And we never stop the process of improvement.
Reforma offers you to join our family and check all the benefits that you get with us:
- Reforma® highest quality products for artificial nails modeling and eyelash extension
- More than twenty two training programs —from basic courses to exclusive training programs
- Ability to be trained personally by the most experienced nail trainers in the world
- Free consulting support and advices, provided if you decide to open your own business in sales or training
- Loyalty program
- Regular sales and special propositions.